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Contents copyright 2024 by Valerie Harms

Giving away some favorite books

1. Duncan, Isadora, My Life. Published in 1955, facsimile, illustrated, ppk.
2. Watts, Alan, Time. Celestial Arts, 1975, pbk.
3. Goldsmith, Joel, Consciousness is What I Am. 1976, Hardcover
4. Khan, Hazrat Inayat, Tales, Sufi Order Publications, 1980, ppk
5. Hoff, Benjamin, The Tao of Pooh, Penguin, 1982, ppb
6. Lyfshin, Lin, Ed., Lips Unsealed, Confidences from Contemporary Women Wrtiers, Capra, 1990, ppk
7. Lauter, Estella, Women as Mythmakers, Poetry and Visual Art by 20th century Women, Indiana U Press, 1984, ppk
8. Metzger, Deena, Skin: Shadows, Silence (a love letter in the form of a novel). Ppb., autographed.
9. Virginia Woolf issue, winter 1977, pub by New York Public Library. Essays by eminent scholars on her work.

Contact me for further info - valerie@valerieharms.com
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