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Contents copyright 2024 by Valerie Harms

Progoff's Intensive Journal Method

My take on the Intensive Journal Method
The structure and theory behind it were developed by therapist, Ira Progoff, in the late 1960s as a non-judgmental, psychological, and spiritual tool that people could use on their own. Far more dynamic than ordinary diary-keeping, the Journal method is “one of the unique inventions of our time,” Joseph Campbell said.
I agree. It works, and I wish everyone would benefit from it as I have for the past four decades.  Read More 
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Holiday helping at Macy's

This season I worked in the fragrances department of Macy's in order to earn some needed money. I learned a lot. For instance, how to operate their cash register but I flubbed often with complex returns and coupons. The best part were the other "associates", the women dedicated to their shifts. The team ofwomen talked to each other in downtime and worked hard the rest. The cosmetic "specialists" are really worth talking to for advice as they are specially trained and know their products. Managers were rarely seen and hardly heard from. I had to look hard to find out any information after the initial hiring. Pay was low. Too much time is spent just waiting on one's feet for a customer to arrive. Then much engagement takes place. I'm one of those shoppers who doesn't want to be helped but that's not Macy's policy. The question arises why do people buy things? What prompts them to spend money? That's true for books one authors as well as perfumes. The only way I survived Christmas Eve was to watch two movies. Thank heavens, my son's family called.  Read More 
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The "Intensive Journal" vs a diary

Ordinary diary-keeping differs greatly from the Intensive Journal method. When people keep a diary, they write what they already know mostly. In the Intensive Journal you do exercises that bring up new material from your creative unconscious. You cover:

1. Persons of inner importance – angry, harmonious…
2. Work projects; short term goals; what started, what completed or blocked
3. Physical condition: health, sensual life, outdoor experiences
4. Social attitudes: beliefs, politics, historical roots
5. Striking events: fateful, mysterious, synchronistic
6. Dreams or images: symbols, insights
7. Inspiring persons from history or mythology, authors, political or spiritual leaders
8. Crossroads of decisions: choices & consequences
9. Experiences of connection or meaning; times of alienation or disconnection

Ira Progoff at Amazon books Read More 
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